Eugene Lemcio
Professor Emeritus of New Testament
Education: BS, Houghton College, 1964; MDiv, Asbury Theological Seminary, 1968; PhD, Trinity College, Cambridge University, 1975

A Man of Many Parts: Essays in Honor of John Westerdale Bowker on the Occasion of His Eightieth Birthday
Pickwick Publications, 2015
This collection of essays by colleagues, former students, and friends illustrates something of the breadth and depth of subjects that have engaged the life and thought of the Reverend Doctor John Westerdale Bowker. His clerical and academic appointments in Cambridge, Lancaster, London, and North America further illustrate the integrative nature of his spiritual and intellectual way of being and acting.

Soaring With St. John: Flight Paths of the Eagle — A Pedagogical Aid
Wipf & Stock, 2013
Not a reference tool, this unique work is a teaching-learning guide to understanding the Fourth Gospel. The focus is on showing how rather than on telling. Thirty-five "Flight Paths," followed by leading questions and statements, help both faculty and students to see as well as read how the Evangelist plotted his itinerary: adopting, adapting, and arranging the texts (both biblical and extra-biblical) that constituted his horizon.

Travels with St. Mark: GPS for the Journey: A Pedagogical Aid
Wipf & Stock, 2012
Not a reference tool, this unique work is a teaching-learning guide to studying the earliest Gospel. The focus is on showing how rather than on telling what. "Maps" followed by leading questions and statements help both faculty and students to see how the Evangelist adopted and adapted his sacred texts (as well as Jewish and Greco-Roman resources) in light of his convictions about and experience of Jesus.

Navigating Revelation: Charts for the Voyage: A Pedagogical Aid
Wipf and Stock, 2011

The Past of Jesus in the Gospels Society for New Testament Studies (Monograph Series 68)
Cambridge University Press, 2005

The New Testament as Canon: A Reader in Canonical Criticism (with Wall, Robert W.)
Academic Press, 1992
"A New Testament theology of the church ... must be the yield of an interpretive strategy that seeks to relate the parts together as an interdependent whole; only then can the biblical theologian create a dynamic portrait of how the whole New Testament defines the church ...." (22)
Additional Publications
Please see Dr. Lemcio's CV (PDF) for additional publications.